Wednesday 23 April 2014

Photo Book Evaluation

">Urban Trees Photo Book link

Originally I published my photo book with an online zine website called ISSUU however, I wasn't satisfied with the result of this and still felt it was important to have a physical copy of my photo book in order for the images to be appreciated in full. Looking at images on a screen simply doesn't hold the same interest or feel like it has the same value as actual prints.
In keeping with my research into photo books, the printing of my project 'Urban Trees', has been ordered with Albelli. I found the software very user friendly for both inserting the images and adding text. My previous experience with photo books involved using a company named Photobox which, I didn't find user friendly and found myself constantly losing patience with the process. Albelli gave the option of assembling the book online or downloading their software which, provided more options. I chose the latter finding it a much safer way of saving changes and appreciated not being reliant on my internet connection which, gave me more confidence. There is also an option to view your book online and share that link with social media. I have shared this link with twitter and facebook but have yet to receive any responses.

I have now received my photo book back from Albelli and I am pleased to say I am very satisfied with the quality and service from them. The gloss paper finish that I included has worked well to avoid the black and white images looking to flat and there is no bleed through of the black ink from page to page. With hindsight, however,  I would have chosen a different layout with more variety of image sizes and orientation to keep the visuals more interesting. My included text looks a little 'squashed' at the bottom of the page and this could have been avoided if I had varied the size of the images and placed the text alongside them. It is also a good experience to be able to hand my book to anybody interested my work rather than trying to show digital images. I would use Albelli again and feel that my research into the various companies has been worthwhile.

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