Tuesday 4 March 2014

Proposal for Units 3 and 4 UPDATED

Following on from my work for Unit 2 which is trees in the urban environment, I am planning to continue this theme. The images I produced for unit 2 were changed to black and white, partly to create atmosphere but primarily to remove distractions within my images, leaving the viewer to focus on my intended subject. As my project continues, I will be following the development of the trees as the season of spring progresses and changing my finished output to colour. I am hoping that as the trees develop through the season, the added colour from the trees flourishing with negate the need to change my images to black and white and where the trees don't flourish due to man's destruction, the colour will hopefully highlight this plight. I am also planning to use a 35mm film alongside my digital images to experiment with the different mediums and compare the results before deciding which method will be the content of my portfolio.


My proposal for unit 3 has been changed quite considerably. Following unit 2, which, I did enjoy, I came to the realisation that the time frame needed to complete my original intended plan, would simply take too long. Owing to the time constraints, I felt very strongly that I wouldn't be able to complete the urban tree project to any satisfaction.
After much consideration and feeling the need to experiment with technique to a greater degree, I have made a decision to research and produce abstract photography. Researching the methods will be achieved by books, internet searches and contacting successful photographers in the field of abstract imagery.

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