Tuesday 18 March 2014

Creative CV

When compiling a CV, it needs to be based on evidence contained within the information given in the CV.  A CV will help you to prepare for an interview, consequently it is very important to remain honest with all the information you enter into it.  A creative CV is a useful tool to help you stand out in amongst a pile of other CV's.  I feel a photography based, creative CV will create the right impression I would like to establish.  This will be either in the form of a photo-book or swatch of photographs that contain both images of my profile information and examples of my work.

A photo book would be my preference and I feel it would work well for any kind of photography related interview as it displays your work in an organised way but also allows text and expression. This is something that can be left with your interviewer(s), making it easy for them to refer back to you once the interview is over. During a level 2 photography course, for the presentation criteria, I produced two photo books of my portfolio work, the following are examples of the two books that I compiled. 

The opening page of the book I created contains my student and course information which could be easily adapted to contact details. This small photograph could be an image of myself rather than my work.

The following pages can still be a great way to showcase your work but also add some descriptive text to make sure you get the right message across.

This layout in my other printed photo book of Spring images was simpler and didn't contain as much text. In this format the images presented stood out well but for a CV interpretation, more information would be needed.

On reflection, I believe the first photo book of Albert Dock would be the better format as it gives more about me and the way I write. I find the idea of presenting my CV in this manner, pleasant and appealing, however a good amount of time would be required for this exercise as it takes time to both produce the photo book and wait for the delivery. Having completed an exercise during tutorials in college for producing a photo book, I now have a good insight into the process and what results to expect from the different companies offering the service.

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