Tuesday 13 May 2014

Art Movement History

Brief History of Art from Neoclassicism

Class Notes

Neoclassicism (1750-1820)
  • The church dominated
  • People in power use art to keep power
  • Low Literacy amongst the general people, making art a tool
  • Heaven and Hell

Romanticism (1800-1850)
  • Revolt against aristocratic, social and political power
  • The age of enlightenment
  • An escape from modern life

Realism (1850-1880)
  • The depiction of subjects as they appear in real life

Impressionism (1860-1920)
  • Artist concerned with the play of light and tones
  • A different way of seeing  

Modernism (1860- present)
  • A philosophical movement that arose from the transformations and developments of Western society
  • Celebration of science, technology and industry
  • Socially progressive 

Art Nouveau (1890-1910)
  • New art
  • Focused on the decorative arts dedicated to natural forms
  • Widespread and highly commercial  

Bauhaus (1919-1933)
  • A school in Germany which, aimed to combine crafts and the fine arts
  • Famous for the approach to design that is well publicised 
Post-Modernism (1960's- present)
  • Movement in the arts and architecture
  • Criticism that rejected the modernist avant garde
  • Passion for the new

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