Friday 22 November 2013

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

It is personal statement time so research is needed to begin and complete an effective and well structured statement.
All the information that has been compiled in HE Tool Kit sessions are necessary but research into the format and information structure is also needed to make the statement coherent and flow well.
There are lots of 'do's and dont's' associated with personal statements and it is easy to understand and see why. There are thousands upon thousands of statements submitted every year and it must become extremely repetetive and difficult to read them if they are badly written or structured in a difficult format.
A plan is needed before emabarking on writing as it will help to give some idea of what you are going to include and in what order.  The following image is taken from the UCAS website and there is plenty more advice and study aids to be found there.

The following link takes you to the UCAS personal worksheet pdf which, I found to be quite useful.
UCAS personal statement worksheet pdf

 The main 'do's' I am understanding are:
  • Give convincing reasons for why you want to study the course - more than just "enjoying the subject"
  • Express where you are now, where you want to go, how you are going to get there
  • Write naturally and honestly
  • Make your personal statement 'personal', express yourself
  • Bring in your skills
  • Read other statements but don't copy them
  • Say what experience/courses already achieved
  • Turn negative experiences into positive ones
  • Only include things you are prepared to talk about at interview
  • Check spelling, grammar and content
  • Show your statement to other people, their opinion can be valuable
The main 'don'ts' I am understanding are:
  • Don't use 'I' at the start of every sentence. Try to use alternatives such as, furthermore, in addition and including.
  • Information already included in the application form does not need to be repeated
  • Don't pad out information or waffle on meaninglessly
  • Avoid making negative statements
  • Mention skills and activities without giving examples of when they have been demonstrated
  • Exaggerate or lie
The personal statement needs to written in 'word', using Times New Roman font and point size 12.

Websites with good information and guidance:

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