Tuesday 12 November 2013

Genre of Photography to Research

Genre of Photography to Research

Following research on different photographers and genres of photography, I wish to develop a portfolio of work on abstract photography.  I am planning shoot a series of photographs to present in a photo book.
A lot of the work I have researched in this area has been in colour, however, I am planning to experiment with black and white photography in order to see if the abstract approach works without colour for me.  For this project I will be using my Nikon DSLR to capture the shots and editing post-shoot in Photoshop CS6.  Digital photography will allow me to attempt this area of photography as post editing will be required and I do not have a scanner.  Editing will be required to present the images in black and white as I will be shooting the images in colour, this will allow me to compare the outcome of both effects. I am also planning to use layering in Photoshop to achieve different effects.

Photographers I Have Researched

Chris Friel
Sea of Blood

Chris Friel only made the change from a painter to photographer in 2006. His images have a really strong effect of having being painted rather than photographed, this is a technique I would love to master.



Ursula Abresch

I came across Ursula Abresch's work whilst searching for abstract photographers on the internet. I am captivated and inspired by her work and find her use of layering out of focus images with selective use of sharp images, very interesting. It takes 'layering' into a whole new level. 


I will be conducting further research into the technique used to produce this type of imagery and I am planning to initially try the technique at Dee Estuary and plan another shoot for Delamere Forest.


Abresch, J. (2013). Art Photography. Available: http://www.ursulasphotos.com/. Last accessed 11th November 2012.

Friel, C. (2013). Chris Friel Photography. Available: http://www.chrisfriel.co.uk/. Last accessed 11th November 2012.


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