Wednesday 2 October 2013

Mind Maps, CV, Creative CV

Mind Maps

Mind Maps were explored today and how they are a good way to get your thoughts down on paper and a good start point for compiling a CV.
We viewed several Mind Maps that had been created by other people which I had to admit, looked quite confusing to my eyes.  This was understandable as they were an insight into somebody else's thoughts and the way that person would organise those thoughts.
Our starting point with the CV was to outline a basic spider-gram then transfer that onto A3 paper and add more details.  Using colours, underlining and circling helped to create hierarchy and keep the outlay less confusing.

I found outlining the initial spider-gram good practice but didn't really get into the expanded version very well so will try to do this again.  The checklist Alex provided for us to take categories from was also extremely useful.


When compiling a CV, it needs to be based on evidence contained within the information given in the CV.  A CV will help you to prepare for an interview, consequently it is very important to remain honest with all the information you enter into it.  A creative CV is a useful tool to help you stand out in amongst a pile of other CV's.  I feel a photography based, creative CV will create the right impression I would like to establish.  This will be either in the form of a photo-book or swatch of photographs that contain both images of my profile information and examples of my work.

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