Wednesday 12 February 2014

Presentation Skils

An essential skill to learn and master comes in the form of a prepared presentation.  It is important to be able to research, present and display information in a logical, structured manner and format.
A presentation should include a beginning, middle and conclusion in order to flow and make sense to your intended audience.

For my presentation, I have chosen to use a PowerPoint slide show for the visuals and narrative support using written flash cards.

To begin with, I set out my intentions in a word document and decided the information I would like to talk about with the coresponding slides in the presentation.  A bibliography was also added to the end of the word document evidencing the sources of my research and infomation.

My research came in the form of books, internet websites (including newspaper articles) and a DVD.

I chose Self-Portraits as the subject for my presentation and included information on the modern day 'selfie', comparing it's function with that of self-portraits which have occured throughout history.

The following video shows my slide show saved as a MPEG-4 video format:

Flash cards were chosen to support my narration and I used bullet points and highlighters to organise the infomation that I included. With this method, I found it easier to use them as prompts rather than reading verbatim from the cards, allowing me to make more eye contact with my audience.

The act of using peer and tutor review of my presentation was used in this instance and I found this to be a useful and valuable resource in assessing my performance and success with my chosen presentation. This is known as, 'formative peer to peer feedback' and is an extremely useful reflective tool to enable you to progress and improve future performance.

I found the process of standing in front my peer group and tutors a nerve wracking experience but did manage to deliver my presentation with some confidence.  Had I failed to research and organise my subject, I am sure this would have been much worse. On reflection, I believe I should have practised my narration with the presentation quite a lot more. I was happy however with the fact that I managed to make some eye contact and didn't rely entirely on my flash cards.  I also need to learn to project my voice better, especially if any future presentations happened to be taking place in a larger room. Following  my presentaion, I received some extremely pleasant and encouraging feedback from my peers and tutors, which has instilled some confidence in me for any future presentations.

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